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How To Select The Perfect Fabric For Your Outdoor Upholstery?

How To Select The Perfect Fabric For Your Outdoor Upholstery?
28 Jun 2024

Who doesn’t like to spend their leisure time on outdoor upholstery? Be it for spending your downtime, hosting parties, or any other. Without your comfortable outdoor upholstery, it is impossible to enjoy these times. While outdoor upholstery makes your space feel comfortable, the addition of outdoor upholstery also makes your space look more aesthetically pretty. Thus, choosing the right fabric for your outdoor upholstery is quite important. However, many people tend to get confused about the right outdoor upholstery fabric for their space. Being an expert in outdoor upholstery fabric allows us to highlight how you can pick the best outdoor upholstery for your space.

Outdoor Conditions:

When it comes to selecting fabric for your outdoor upholstery, the first thing you must keep in mind is that it will be kept outside. When the furniture itself is placed outside, the fabric that you choose for it should be good for outdoor usage. The environment outside can be harsher for certain types of fabrics. Be it the sun, dust, or storm, all can affect the look of your outdoor upholstery’s fabric. Therefore, you must take into consideration the outside weather when picking upholstery fabric for your outdoor space.

Water Resistant:

Outdoor upholstery is not just exposed to the harsh sun and wind but also to water. Be it rainwater or splashes from pool water, Prolonged exposure to water can not only affect the fabric of the upholstery but also the foam. This is why, when selecting fabric for your outdoor upholstery, you need to look for water-resistant or even waterproof fabric. It would help you keep your upholstery looking great for a long time.


Since the outdoor weather conditions are much harsher compared to the indoor ones, choosing a fabric that is not made to sustain the extreme conditions outdoors will reduce its durability and longevity. To ensure your outdoor upholstery fabric doesn’t fade or sustain visible damage after being exposed to outside conditions, it is important to select an outdoor-specific upholstery fabric. These fabrics are made to last longer, despite the harsh conditions they are subjected to. Thus, you don’t have to worry about changing them any time soon.


When the fabric of the upholstery is made specially to fit the outdoor conditions, it reduces maintenance efforts. You don’t have to do anything extra to clean and maintain the fabric of the outdoor upholster. The easy-to-care-for fabrics are perfect for outdoor upholstery. There are only a few things one has to do to clean up the fabric. Thus, you don’t have to worry about spilt beverages or condiments or the stains they can cause. You can easily clean it up to revive its old shine.

These are some of the things that you must take into consideration when selecting fabric for your outdoor upholstery. It will help you get maximum durability and aesthetic appeal for a long time without fading away. So, if you are going to shop for fabric for your outdoor upholstery, don’t forget to keep these things in mind.

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